Ayah Shiadah, a Palestinian-Mexican photographer, chronicles Los Angeles residents' unyielding call for ceasefire and the liberation of Palestine.

Since October 7, I’ve experienced an internal tug of war between despair and determination. My existence lies between the mundane demands of my life and the ongoing genocide of my people. I guilt myself into watching the gut-wrenching videos of shredded flesh, limbs, and corpses obliterated by powerful bombs. I have to watch because Palestinian citizens and journalists risk everything for us to see for ourselves the unfiltered, harrowing truth, and the endless atrocities funded by billions of American tax dollars.

Despite the bleakness, there’s a glimmer of hope: a collective awakening. Tens of thousands have taken to the streets all over the United States continuously for three months, rejecting this unchecked power abuse. This movement signifies the refusal to accept the status quo. It’s a testament to the resilience and determination of a people united for liberation.

a sleek, black lowrider with palestinian flags hanging from its sides; LAPD is seen blocking a street in the background
A 64′ Lincoln continental lowrider cruising past LA city cops in riot gear following a caravan behind a protests shutting down La Cienega Blvd in Beverly Hills. This is part of a series of protests across LA calling for ceasefire and the liberation of Palestine. December 23, 2023. Credit: Ayah Shiadah | Knock LA
Protestors in support of Palestine sit on a lowrider; the car is decorated with Palestinian colors
A group of protestors stand and sit on top of a convertible low rider wrapped in Palestinian flag and kuffiyeh designs. This is in Beverly Hills the day before Christmas Eve, part of a series of weekly protests calling for ceasefire and the liberation of Palestine. December 23, 2023. Credit: Ayah Shiadah | Knock LA
a black lowrider idles in front of Los Angeles City Hall; Palestine flags are hanging from it
A Lowrider 64′ Continental in front of the LA City Hall after a march part of Kwanza for Palestinian Solidarity protest organized by Black, Palestinian and Latinx activists. December 26, 2023. Credit: Ayah Shiadah | Knock LA
an art installation featuring a kite is displayed on the steps of LA City Hall
An art installation on the front steps of the Los Angeles City Hall, commemorating Kwanza solidarity for Palestine. Artists created a shrine for the martyrs and the kite has a quote from a Gaza poet Refat Alareer. December 26, 2023. Credit: Ayah Shiadah | Knock LA
Two protestors sit on the rear doorway of a school bus with a large Palestinian flag
Protestors for Palestine sitting in the back of a school bus with an open door preceding a march in West LA near the Israeli Consulate. Part of a series of weekly protests, this one is marking 90 days of an ongoing genocide in Palestine. January 6, 2024. Credit: Ayah Shiadah | Knock LA
A masked protestor participates in a march through Los Angeles. They are wearing a mask painted in the style of the Palestinian flag
AA protester wearing a full face mask of the Palestinian flag and kuffiyeh at a protest marking 90 days of Genocide in Gaza. March back to the Israeli Consulate in West LA. January 6, 2024. Credit: Ayah Shiadah | Knock LA
A protestor wearing a keffiyeh holds a Palestinian flag while marching
A protestor in a march holding a Palestinian flag marching back to the Israeli Consulate in West LA. Thousands of Angelenos and abroad came to protest 90 days of genocide in Gaza. January 6, 2024. Credit: Ayah Shiadah | Konck LA
A protestor wearing a keffiyeh holds a Palestinian flag while marching
A portrait of a Palestinian activist holding up a peace sign in a march in West LA near the Isreali consulate marking the 90 day genocide and continuous weekly protests all over LA. January 6, 2024. Credit: Ayah Shiadah | Knock LA
A protestor holds a sign saying "Free Palestine" while marching
A young child holding a “Free Palestine” sign and marching with the crowd back to the Israeli Consulate in West LA. The child was chanting “Free Free Falasteen”. Part of a series of weekly protests all over LA. January 6, 2024. Credit: Ayah Shiadah | Knock LA
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